Group Training

Coding And Finnish Language
Coding and Finnish Language is a training program is meant for people on the ICT field that are unemployed or under threat of becoming unemployed and whose primary language is not Finnish.
Their training offers the participants the opportunity of learning new programming skills, polishing existing ones and improving their Finnish language skills. Our skilled coaches are there to provide personal support and guidance for career planning as well as for seeking employment, and visiting ICT professionals share their expert knowledge and experiences of the field and share their views on how to get a foot in the door.
The eight-month program is comprised of a period of studying things of practical value and three months of on-the-job learning in a real company. The studying phase includes weekly contact days at the BearIT office, videoconferencing remotely as well as independent study.

ICT Camp
ICT Camp is a training course for old hands in ICT, whose technical know-how needs updating before they are ready to return to ICT work, as well as for new enthusiasts trying to find their way to the field, perhaps lacking in professional ICT experience but with enthusiasm and maybe some finished courses on the subject. During the training, participants get to know companies and work opportunities, can update their technical know-how and figure out paths that lead to working in ICT, all the while getting guidance and support from their skilled coach.
ICT Camp comprises of 40 weekdays of full-time study: weekly contact days at the BearIT office, video conferencing remotely, and independent study.